
Why Should You Have Your Paver and Travertine Sealed – EDUCATION WEBSITE

The type of stone chosen will decide the kind of stone used. However, they are porousand therefore water could get to the interior of the pavers or travertines and create dampness. The experts recommend paver and stone sealing for these reasons.
Sealed travertines do not get any algae or molds. They also do not have plants that thrive. The pavers and travertines are porous and contain tiny holes that allow water to enter and create the appearance of dampness. The dampness creates an ideal setting for algae and mould development, which can lead to the demise of pavers. In addition, paver and travertine sealing can help keep the Travertine in a clean. Sealing travertines is easy to maintain and also eliminates organic material that might have allowed molds or algae to flourish. They will remain spotless for all time.
In addition, paver and sealing stops the degradation of the travertines and pavers. The travertines are made up of limestone that reacts with soap. These stones are sealed to make sure soap doesn’t get to them as they are located in the soapy area, similar to pool edges. Hence, the stones do not break down and will last for many years. urmsq8pusl.

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