Some of the Best New York Pizza is Upstate

New York is famous for having good pizza, but what most people may not realize is that it applies to the entire state of New York, and not just the city. Rochester NY pizza is also some of the best in the state.
A large portion of the population of Rochester is Italian American. Many first and second generation Italians who settled there opened restaurants, and pizza parlors. One glance at a list of local pizzerias reveals that many are independently owned, and have Italian names. Old family recipes and quality ingredients, along with some healthy competition, have made for a lot of good pizza.
Not surprisingly, there are some Rochester ny pizza blogs. Rochester pizza bloggers have their work cut out for them. The many different pizzerias in the area offer nearly every variety of pizza imaginable. There are different crusts, such as stuffed crust or thin crust. You can get red sauce or white garlic sauce, and there are many different choices for toppings. If you are wondering just how much Central New Yorkers love their pizza, consider this. In Rochester, NY even the local grocery stores have pizza ovens, and make fresh pizzas every day.